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I spent £2,000 on surgery to remove my double chin

A mother spent £2,000 on surgery to remove her double chin - transforming it from 'saggy to snatched' in just a few hours.

Angela Hutchinson, from Central Coast, New South Wales, struggled with her double chin since she was a teenager.

The 33-year-old lost 1st 8lbs to drop to 12st 2lb but was 'disheartened' to find her chin hadn't budged.

Angela decided to go for chin liposuction - where fat is removed from the chin via a cannula - after spotting a TikTok influncer talking about her experience.

The mother-of-four travelled two hours to get it done in Sydney and spent £2,085  on the procedure.

Angela Hutchinson, from Central Coast, New South Wales, Australia, went for the procedure after struggling with her chin since she was a teenager. Above: Left, before surgery, right, after surgery

Angela Hutchinson, from Central Coast, New South Wales, Australia, went for the procedure after struggling with her chin since she was a teenager. Above: Left, before surgery, right, after surgery 

Angela before having her chin liposuctionAngela after having her chin liposuction

Angela says she no longer feels like she needs to hide away from the camera anymore. Above: Left, before surgery, right, after surgery 

After the operation, Angela said she feels better than ever - and says it's like having a 'permanent filter on'.

The salon owner said: 'When I booked my lipo - I burst into tears because I'd wanted to get it for so long, and the results are amazing.

'The recovery time has been so quick - I bruised really badly but it disappeared within six days.

'When I compare my before and after pictures I feel ecstatic - I don't feel like I need to hide away from the camera anymore.'

Liposuction is a  cosmetic procedure used to remove unwanted body fat and involves sucking out small areas of fat that can be hard to lose through dieting and exercise, according to the NHS.

Angela decided to start losing weight in January 2023 - after a traumatic 2022 left her turning to snacks for comfort.

Her youngest son, Cian, three, was having unexplained seizures - and she says she coped by comfort eating.

But on January 1, 2023, she made a New Year's resolution to lose a stone - after Cian recovered.

She said: 'I'd gained 15kg in a year because my son, Cian, was having seizures.

'It was so quick because I was just stress-eating all the time. I decided to do something about it because 15kg is a lot.'

Angela decided to start losing weight in January 2023 - after a traumatic 2022 left her turning to snacks for comfort. Above: Angela before surgery, pulling on the skin around her jawline

Angela decided to start losing weight in January 2023 - after a traumatic 2022 left her turning to snacks for comfort. Above: Angela before surgery, pulling on the skin around her jawline

Since then, Angela has been on a calorie deficit and goes to the gym five days a week, spending an hour there doing cardio each time.

She dropped 1st 5lb in 15 months and felt 'great' - but couldn't help noticing she wasn't losing her double chin.

Angela said: 'I lost 10kg but somehow nothing off my chin. It was making me really self-conscious.

'If someone took a candid photo of me it'd be the first thing I'd notice. I'd be like, 'wow.' I felt so disheartened, even though I was losing weight everywhere else.'

After watching a video of herself aged 15 and noticing she still had a double chin - she realised it was genetics, and it was only going to get worse with age.

Angela said: 'I even had it in 2005, when I was a teenager. Looking back at when I was young, I still had it - so I knew there was no way around it.

'It's been slowly getting worse and worse - and it wasn't ever going to get better naturally.'

Angela dropped 1st 5lb in 15 months and felt 'great' - but couldn't lose her double chin. Above: Left, after surgery, right, before surgery

Angela dropped 1st 5lb in 15 months and felt 'great' - but couldn't lose her double chin. Above: Left, after surgery, right, before surgery 

The mother-of-four is pictured having surgery on her chin and now she feels confident to have her photos taken

The mother-of-four is pictured having surgery on her chin and now she feels confident to have her photos taken

Angela started looking at chin liposuction on TikTok - and found a Sydney-based influencer showing off her results.

She looked into it and decided to do 'this one thing for myself'.

After paying a £229 deposit, she had a consultation and blood work in March before booking in her surgery for the following month.

Angela went for her chin liposuction on April 16 and was awake for the procedure, but given local anaesthetic to completely numb her face.

Her doctor took fat from three points in the face - two behind each ear, and one through the chin.

'My doctor went through the entry points with a cannula,' she said. 'So it was less invasive - and I was so surprised at how good it was. I couldn't feel a thing.'

She saw another influencer online speak about having chin liposuction done which prompted her to go for the procedure. Above: Left, before surgery, right after surgery

She saw another influencer online speak about having chin liposuction done which prompted her to go for the procedure. Above: Left, before surgery, right after surgery 

She was given a chin strap and headwrap to wear for three days after the cosmetic surgery and was told to take it easy.

Angela said: 'I feel like it healed so quickly. All the bruising was gone after six days, even though I bruised pretty bad.

'Obviously I do swell up every now and then - but it's pretty much all done with.

'I've been given advice to be really careful about weight gain for the next three years.

'You have to actively keep trying to lose weight for three years after the procedure before moving into maintenance, otherwise it'll come back.'

Now, Angela isn't fussed about candid photos and loves the way she looks from every angle.

She added: 'We celebrated Anzac Day in Australia the other day - and there were loads of pictures taken of me.

'My jawline is just snatched - I look like I've got a permanent filter on me.

'The results have been insane. I'm really, really happy.'

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